Stable cylinders and fine structures for hyperbolic groups and curve graphs.
In 1995, Rips and Sela asked if torsion-free hyperbolic groups admit globally stable cylinders. We establish this property for all residually finite hyperbolic groups and curve graphs of finite-type surfaces. These cylinders are fine objects, and the core of our approach is to upgrade the hyperbolic space to one with improved fine properties via a generalisation of Sageev's construction. The methods also let us prove that curve graphs of surfaces admit equivariant quasiisometric embeddings in finite products of quasitrees.
Coarse obstructions to cocompact cubulation.
We provide geometric methods to both lower- and upper-bound the large-scale dimension of CAT(0) cube complexes quasiisometric to a given group $G$. When these bounds overlap, this provides obstructions to $G$ being cocompactly cubulated. More strongly, it prevents $G$ from being a coarse median space.
As applications, we show that many free-by-cyclic groups cannot be cocompactly cubulated, and that any tubular group with a coarse median is virtually compact special.
Constructing metric spaces from systems of walls.
We give a general procedure for constructing metric spaces from systems of partitions. This generalises and provides analogues of Sageev's construction of dual CAT(0) cube complexes for the settings of hyperbolic and injective metric spaces.
As applications, we produce a ''universal'' hyperbolic action for groups with strongly contracting elements, and show that many groups with ''coarsely cubical'' features admit geometric actions on injective metric spaces. In an appendix with Davide Spriano, we show that a large class of groups have an infinite-dimensional space of quasimorphisms.
Uniform undistortion from barycentres, and applications to hierarchically hyperbolic groups.
We show that infinite cyclic subgroups of groups acting uniformly metrically properly on injective metric spaces are uniformly undistorted. In the special case of hierarchically hyperbolic groups, we use this to study translation lengths for actions on the associated hyperbolic spaces. Then we use quasimorphisms to produce examples where these latter results are sharp.
$\ell^p$ metrics on cell complexes.
Motivated by the observation that groups can be effectively studied using metric spaces modelled on $\ell^1$, $\ell^2$, and $\ell^\infty$ geometry, we consider cell complexes equipped with an $\ell^p$ metric for arbitrary $p$. Under weak conditions that can be checked locally, we establish nonpositive curvature properties of these complexes, such as Busemann-convexity and strong bolicity. We also provide detailed information on the geodesics of these metrics in the special case of CAT(0) cube complexes.
Hyperbolic models for CAT(0) spaces.
We introduce two new tools for studying CAT(0) spaces: curtains, versions of cubical hyperplanes; and the curtain model, a counterpart of the curve graph. These tools shed new light on CAT(0) spaces, allowing us to prove a dichotomy of a rank-rigidity flavour, establish Ivanov-style rigidity theorems for isometries of the curtain model, find isometry-invariant copies of its Gromov boundary in the visual boundary of the underlying CAT(0) space, and characterise rank-one isometries both in terms of their action on the curtain model and in terms of curtains. Finally, we show that the curtain model is universal for WPD actions over all groups acting properly on the CAT(0) space.
Uniform exponential growth for cocompactly cubulated groups.
We show that cubical groups admitting a factor system either have uniform exponential growth or are virtually abelian.
Coarse injectivity, hierarchical hyperbolicity, and semihyperbolicity.
We relate three classes of nonpositively curved metric spaces: hierarchically hyperbolic spaces, coarsely injective spaces, and strongly shortcut spaces. We show that every hierarchically hyperbolic space admits a new metric that is coarsely injective. The new metric is quasi-isometric to the original metric and is preserved under automorphisms of the hierarchically hyperbolic space. We show that every coarsely injective metric space of uniformly bounded geometry is strongly shortcut. Consequently, hierarchically hyperbolic groups—including mapping class groups of surfaces—are coarsely injective and coarsely injective groups are strongly shortcut.
Using these results, we deduce several important properties of hierarchically hyperbolic groups, including that they are semihyperbolic, have solvable conjugacy problem, have finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups, and that their finitely generated abelian subgroups are undistorted. Along the way we show that hierarchically quasiconvex subgroups of hierarchically hyperbolic groups have bounded packing.
Unbounded domains in hierarchically hyperbolic groups.
We investigate unbounded domains in hierarchically hyperbolic groups and obtain constraints on the possible hierarchical structures. Using these insights, we characterise the structures of virtually abelian HHGs and show that the class of HHGs is not closed under finite extensions. This provides a strong negative answer to the question of whether being an HHG is invariant under quasiisometries. Along the way, we show that infinite torsion groups are not HHGs.
By ruling out pathological behaviours, we are able to give simpler, direct proofs of the rank-rigidity and omnibus subgroup theorems for HHGs. This involves extending our techniques so that they apply to all subgroups of HHGs.
Projection complexes and quasimedian maps.
We use the projection complex machinery of Bestvina–Bromberg–Fujiwara to study hierarchically hyperbolic groups. In particular, we show that if the group has a BBF colouring and its associated hyperbolic spaces are quasiisometric to trees, then the group is quasiisometric to a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex. We deduce various properties, including the Helly property for hierarchically quasiconvex subsets.
The special linear group for nonassociative rings.
We extend to arbitrary rings a definition of the octonion special linear group due to Baez. At the infinitesimal level we get a Lie ring, which we describe over some large classes of rings, including all associative rings and all algebras over a field. As a corollary we compute all the groups Baez defined.
Derivations of octonion matrix algebras.
It is well-known that the exceptional Lie algebras $\mathfrak{f}_4$ and $\mathfrak{g}_2$ arise from the octonions as the derivation algebras of the $3\times3$ hermitian and $1\times1$ antihermitian matrices, respectively. Inspired by this, we compute the derivation algebras of the spaces of hermitian and antihermitian matrices over an octonion algebra in all dimensions.